Plutos Network Launches Synthetic System V1.0 on Ropsten and New Testing Rewards

Plutos Network, the next-generation synthetic investment hub that’s built on a multi-chain architecture, has announced it has launched its Synthetic System V1.0 on Roposten. The launch also is attracting testers and community members looking to provide feedback in exchange for over $10,000 worth of PLUT tokens that will be given out as rewards for the feedback. 

Plutos team has been designing and developing their Synthetic System for over six months. The V1.0 System will run on Ropsten for 3-4 weeks to provide ample time for testing, QA, and real-time improvements based on feedback such as bugs found. The V1.0 System wil be running officially on Ethereum, but the team plans to migrate to Solana and integrate other leading chains (such as Polygon) in Q4 of this year. 

Plutos CEO Juan Capilla states, “Today’s V1.0 Launch is only one of the great milestones in the continuous growth and development of Plutos Network into a fully grown DeFi Synthetic Hub for users to issue and trade a large variety of synthetic products, with user-friendly UX and best trading experience.” 

With the bug bounty, a total of 45 winners will be selected based on the feedback provided, specifically around the suggestion quality, possibility of execution, and value for product improvement of their suggestions. This will be assessed by Plutos developers and engineers. 10 winners will be rewarded with a Tier 1 prize of $500, 15 winners will be rewarded with a Tier 2 prize of $200, and 20 winners will be rewarded with a Tier 3 prize of $100. 

More information about the Synthetic System V1.0 launch and bug bounty can be found here

About Plutos Network

Plutos Network is a synthetic investment platform built on a next-generation multi-chain architecture where you can trade, manage and issue assets whilst allowing users to reap mining incentives and staking rewards. By integrating blockchains such as Solana, Polkadot, and BSC, enabling on-chain and cross-chain liquidity and trading, Plutos Network is to offer users synthetic issuance and trading services for a wide range of synthetic products which are sustainable, profitable, and disruptive to the traditional derivative market.

Press Contact: Gonzalo Vinuela,


