Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection (Teledyne GFD) has released its Spyglass Xtend triple-infrared flame detector, a notable industry advance that offers the simultaneous detection of both hydrogen (H2) and hydrocarbon (HC) fires.

This important innovation boosts safety in dense industrial environments where hydrogen flames can spread to other equipment and start fires involving hydrocarbon fuels that are invisible to an H2-only detector.

The combined detection of both hydrogen and hydrocarbon flames arrives courtesy of Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection’s triple-infrared technology. Where industrial spaces are highly populated with machines, equipment, tools, stored goods and many other common workplace items, a hydrogen flame can spread and trigger a fire involving hydrocarbon fuels. It is here that Spyglass Xtend is able to provide a crucial safety net.

Take the example of detecting hydrogen flames using an H2-only detector and prompting a subsequent safety action to interrupt the hydrogen supply and extinguish the flame. It would be easy to think the emergency is over, but any already burning hydrocarbon fires will persist. An H2 detector cannot detect HC flames.

With its integral triple-infrared technology – paired with a unique algorithm – the new Spyglass Xtendflame detector supports an enhanced safety strategy by detecting both hydrogen and hydrocarbon flames simultaneously. Five selectable sensitivity levels are available.

“Users of our Spyglass Xtend can take advantage of a considerably longer detection range, while response times are much faster compared with existing UV/IR technology,” explains Régis PRÉVOST, Product Line Manager at Teledyne GFD. “The result? Earlier detection of hydrogen and/or hydrocarbon flames, protecting workers and minimising damage to your premises and assets. It’s also worth pointing out that the hydrogen flame detection performance of the Spyglass Xtend matches that of our existing Spyglass IR3-H2, which is dedicated solely to hydrogen.”

The new triple-infrared technology ensures perfect immunity against false alarms or untimely faults due to sun glare or heavy rain, guaranteeing reliable operation in outdoor environments. Further supporting outside use, heated optics prevent condensation and frosting, while users can ensure nominal detector performance by undertaking automatic or manual self-tests that check the optics are clean. The stainless steel enclosure carries IP66/68 and NEMA 4X/6 ingress protection ratings.

Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection’s Spyglass Xtend offers a number of universal current outputs, including analogue 4-20 mA, sink or source, alarm and fault, while an optional HART® 7 digital output supports easy configuration and diagnostic capability for preventive maintenance strategies. The new flame detector carries Safety Integrity Level (SIL 2), ATEX, IECEX and usFMc certifications.

Any dense industrial settings looking to boost safety credentials and provide greater worker and asset protection will find that the new Spyglass Xtend stands up to scrutiny with its simultaneous, fast and reliable detection of both hydrogen and hydrocarbon flames. Two versions are available: with or without on-board HD video output. The HD video option offers real-time monitoring of the area and automatic video recording during alarms for detailed post-event analysis.

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About Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection
Every customer scenario demands a different, customized approach, and Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection applies expertise in building the right plan for the right hazards every time. Our complete portfolio and industry-leading of fixed and portable gas and flame detection solutions offer expert perspective and quality products you can rely on in the most critical situations. When it comes to superior value, efficacy, efficiency, and service, the gas and flame detection team from Teledyne delivers like no one else. Always sensing safety, everywhere you look. For more information, visit or contact

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