New Yorker article about the Holocaust in Poland, saying the piece was full of “lies and distortions”

The Auschwitz-Birkenau state museum on Saturday tore a New Yorker article about the Holocaust in Poland, saying the piece was loaded with “lies and distortions.”

The magazine story investigates a legal dispute against two Polish Holocaust antiquarians who were as of late saw as blameworthy of slandering a dead wartime town official.

The director of the Auschwitz museum, Piotr Cywinski, said the New Yorker article “contains such countless lies and distortions that I think that its somewhat difficult to accept that it is an occurrence.”

“Moreover, when it concerns the Holocaust, any distortion of chronicled truth is extremely risky. This applies to all types of disavowal, revisionism and misshapening of recorded truth,” Cywinski said.

One selection in the article brought up specific issues about its precision.

“To exonerate the country of the killings of 3,000,000 Jews, the Polish government will venture to arraign researchers for slander,” a caption of the article, which is incorrect, peruses.

The body of evidence against the two history specialists was a common case, not a criminal prosecution brought by the public authority.

Approximately 3 million Polish Jews were slaughtered during the Holocaust — and a Polish underground armed force opposed the Germans. The Polish state, dissimilar to other involved countries, never teamed up with the Nazis.